The Ortho-K Experience: What to Expect During Your Fitting

The Ortho-K Experience: What to Expect During Your Fitting

The Ortho-K Experience: What to Expect During Your Fitting

The Ortho-K Experience: What to Expect During Your Fitting

The Ortho-K Experience: What to Expect During Your Fitting

The Ortho-K Experience: What to Expect During Your Fitting

Orthokeratology, also known as Ortho-K, is a non-surgical procedure that involves the use of specially designed contact lenses to temporarily reshape the contour of the cornea to reduce myopia (nearsightedness). The Ortho-K lenses are typically worn overnight, allowing you to have clear vision during the day without the need for glasses or contact lenses. But what exactly is Ortho-K, and what does the fitting process entail? 



The Benefits of Ortho-K


There are several reasons why you might choose Ortho-K over other vision correction methods. One of the main benefits is the ability to have clear vision during the day without the need for glasses or contact lenses. This can be particularly beneficial for people who play sports or those who work in environments where glasses or contact lenses can be inconvenient or unsafe.


Ortho-K is also a great option for people who are not suitable candidates for laser eye surgery. Unlike laser eye surgery, Ortho-K is reversible, and there are no permanent changes to the eye. It is also less risky than surgery because there are no incisions involved.


Perhaps the most significant benefit of Ortho-K is that it can slow down the progression of myopia in children. Myopia is becoming increasingly prevalent in children worldwide, and Ortho-K can be a proactive way to manage this condition and prevent it from worsening. It is generally safe for children, and because the lenses are worn at night, there is less risk of the lenses being lost or damaged.



What to Expect During an Ortho-K Fitting?


The Ortho-K fitting process is a little different from a standard contact lens fitting. It requires a series of visits to your eye doctor, and it involves more detailed measurements of your eyes. The first step is a comprehensive eye examination to determine your prescription and to check the health of your eyes.


Your eye doctor will then take a detailed map of your cornea using a corneal topographer. This device uses light patterns and a camera to measure the curvature of your cornea. This information is essential for designing your custom Ortho-K lenses.


Once your lenses have been designed and manufactured, you will return to your eye care professional for a fitting. The lenses will be placed on your eyes, and your vision will be checked. Your doctor will also show you how to insert and remove the lenses and how to care for them correctly. It's important to remember that the effects of Ortho-K are not immediate. It takes some time for your cornea to adjust to the new shape, so your vision will gradually improve over a few days to weeks.



Aftercare and Follow-Up After an Ortho-K Fitting


Aftercare is a crucial part of the Ortho-K process. Once you have your lenses, it's important to follow the care instructions provided by your doctor This will include how to clean and store your lenses, as well as how to insert and remove them.


Regular follow-up appointments are necessary to monitor your progress and to ensure that your lenses are still fitting correctly. These appointments are also an opportunity to address any questions or concerns you may have. It's normal to experience some discomfort or blurred vision in the initial stages of Ortho-K. However, if these symptoms persist, it's important to consult your eye doctor.


The success of Ortho-K depends on your commitment to wearing the lenses every night and following the aftercare instructions. With proper care and regular follow-ups, Ortho-K can provide you with clear vision during the day and slow down the progression of myopia.



Begin Your Journey Towards Clearer Vision with Ortho-K Today


Ortho-K is a non-surgical procedure that provides an effective and safe alternative to glasses, contact lenses, and laser eye surgery. The process of an Ortho-K fitting requires a series of visits to your eye doctor, but the benefits, including clear daytime vision without the need for glasses or contacts and slowing down the progression of myopia, are worth the commitment.


To learn more about what to expect during an Ortho-K fitting, visit Memorial Vision at our office in Houston, Texas. Call (281) 496-1635 to schedule an appointment today. 

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