Signs That Your Child May Need to See an Eye Doctor for an Exam

Signs That Your Child May Need to See an Eye Doctor for an Exam

Signs That Your Child May Need to See an Eye Doctor for an Exam

Signs That Your Child May Need to See an Eye Doctor for an Exam

Signs That Your Child May Need to See an Eye Doctor for an Exam

Signs That Your Child May Need to See an Eye Doctor for an Exam

Good eyesight is necessary for reading, writing, playing, walking, and other routine tasks and activities. All kids need good vision to meet the demands of school and enjoy the highest quality of life.



Pediatric Eye Exam



A pediatric eye exam examines a child's vision and eye health. Eye doctors or optometrists with specialized training in diagnosing and treating pediatric eye conditions perform these exams.


Eye care professionals recommend annual eye exams. However, here are warning signs that your child should see an eye doctor soon:



Frequent Headaches and Eyestrain



Does your little one frequently complain of eyestrain or headaches, particularly after reading or using the computer? If so, that could indicate a vision problem. Poor lighting, incorrect eyewear prescription, or the need for vision therapy can all contribute to eyestrain. A pediatric eye doctor should examine your child's eyes to determine the cause of the problem and the best treatment.



Poor Eyesight



If your child complains of blurry vision, difficulty seeing distant objects, or difficulty seeing up close, they could have a vision problem. When reading or doing other activities, kids with poor vision may squint, blink frequently, or hold objects close to their faces. 


A pediatric eye doctor should examine your child's eyesight to determine the cause of the vision problem and the appropriate treatment. That may include eyeglasses, contact lenses, or vision therapy.






Does your child frequently squint, especially when attempting to see distant objects? If so, he or she may have a vision problem. Various conditions can cause this problem, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. A pediatric eye doctor should examine your little one's eyes to determine the cause of the squinting and the appropriate treatment.



Frequent Eye Rubbing



Frequent eye rubbing could signify eye fatigue or an underlying eye condition. Several factors can cause eye fatigue in kids, including inadequate lighting, eyestrain, or the need for vision therapy. If you notice this sign, it is critical to have your child's eyes checked by a pediatric eye doctor.



Family History of Eye Problems



If you or other family members have a history of eye problems, your kids may be more susceptible to them. So, they should have regular eye exams with a pediatric eye doctor. The eye doctor will perform tests to detect any vision problems or underlying eye conditions and treat them as soon as possible.



Frequent Eye Irritation or Infections



If your child has frequent eye infections or irritations, it could indicate an underlying eye condition. Dry eye syndrome, seasonal allergies, or an underlying eye condition can all cause eye infections or irritations.


It is crucial to have your little one's eyes checked regularly by a pediatric eye doctor. That will ensure early detection and treatment of any vision problems or underlying eye conditions.


For more on pediatric eye care, visit Memorial Vision at our Houston, Texas, office. Call (281) 496-1635 to schedule an appointment today.

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