Maintaining Eye Health with Specialty Contact Lenses: Tips for Safe and Effective Use

Maintaining Eye Health with Specialty Contact Lenses: Tips for Safe and Effective Use

Maintaining Eye Health with Specialty Contact Lenses: Tips for Safe and Effective Use

Maintaining Eye Health with Specialty Contact Lenses: Tips for Safe and Effective Use

Maintaining Eye Health with Specialty Contact Lenses: Tips for Safe and Effective Use

Maintaining Eye Health with Specialty Contact Lenses: Tips for Safe and Effective Use

Specialty contact lenses are not your regular contact lenses. While these lenses can significantly improve your vision, it's essential to know how to use them correctly to maintain your eye health.

What are Specialty Contact Lenses?


Specialty contact lenses are custom-made lenses designed to correct specific vision problems that cannot be addressed with standard contact lenses or glasses. They include scleral lenses, hybrid lenses, toric lenses, and multifocal lenses.

Scleral lenses are larger than regular lenses and rest on the sclera, the white part of your eye. They create a tear-filled vault over your cornea, providing excellent comfort and vision correction.

Hybrid lenses combine the features of rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses and soft lenses, providing the comfort of soft lenses and the sharp vision of RGP lenses.

Toric lenses are designed to correct astigmatism, a condition where your cornea or lens is not perfectly round, causing blurred or distorted vision.

Multifocal lenses, on the other hand, are designed for people with presbyopia. They have different prescription powers in different zones of the lens, allowing you to see clearly at all distances.

Tips for the Safe and Effective Use of Specialty Contact Lenses


Using specialty contact lenses safely and effectively involves more than just putting them in your eyes. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your lenses:

  • Follow your eye care professional's instructions: Your eye doctor will provide you with specific instructions on how to use and care for your lenses. Make sure to follow these instructions closely to maintain your eye health.

  • Take your lenses out before going to bed: Sleeping in your contact lenses can increase the risk of eye infections. Always remove your lenses before going to sleep, even if they are labeled as extended wear.

  • Don’t wear your lenses if your eyes are irritated: If your eyes are red, itchy, or painful, it's best to take your lenses out and give your eyes a break. If the irritation persists, contact your eye care professional.

  • Use the right cleaning solution: Different types of lenses require different cleaning solutions. Always use the solution recommended by your eye care professional, and never mix different solutions.

Maintaining Eye Health with Specialty Contact Lenses


Maintaining eye health with specialty contact lenses requires a combination of regular eye exams, proper lens care, and adhering to your wearing schedule. By following these tips, you can ensure the safe and effective use of your lenses and maintain your eye health.

To learn more tips for maintaining eye health with specialty contact lenses, visit Memorial Vision at our office in Houston, Texas. Call (281) 496-1635 to discuss any questions with our team of professionals or to schedule an appointment today. 

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